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Writer's pictureSamey Jo

The Truth About Healing

Hello Readers,

It’s mid-June. This blog was supposed to be done a couple weeks ago. I’m behind. On lots of things. We’re doing many big things all at once. Beginning them all at the same time. And why not? It makes life exciting… or something. smile.

I’ve got 4 pieces of half-done furniture sitting in my garage, waiting for my attention. I’ve got 6 more pieces in the barn looking at me every time I go in there to grab something for my project. I have 4 pieces finished that need little, small things before going on the website (The Barn by the way – if you wanna shop. smile.)

And that’s just one project I’m working on.

The second project is starting Open Fields Church, aka Open Fields Club – smile. The “club” at the end of Open Fields is my own tagline because I want to have a community of people who love Jesus, love each other, and love adventure and fun. It is anything but your typical church.

The third project -- I’m still in process of writing my book – which I thought was ready to go to the Editor and realized in review that it needs some adjustments before that step can happen. So, this makes me feel like I am way behind where I wanted to be. I had hopes that 2022 would be the publication year. But I will be surprised if I get there.

But now… here I am, writing to YOU! Yay!

I am doing a fair bit of study on the topic of healing. I am loving it and as I study, I see this truth more and more. Healing is Father’s will, every time, all the time! You may ask how I can say this as you know so many people who have asked for healing, believed to be healed, wanted healing desperately and have not experienced it. Oh Sweet One – me too! I know people who have died believing God for healing. I am here still missing them so deeply. I know people who are currently struggling in their sickness. I know people who are in chronic pain wanting nothing more than to be healed.

It is hard.

So how can I say it is the Father’s will for us when we are not experiencing it? There are so many reasons I know it is His will, and they are all found in the Word. But for now I’m going to give you the most BASE reason I believe this:

Let’s go visit Eden. Our Creator decides to make a Garden, a beautiful place in which to place His beloveds. He creates an entire world just for us! It is rich with fruit, vegetables, animals, trees, flowers, oceans, rivers, mountains… on and on this world goes. Amazing beauty created for us! Nothing missing, nothing broken. Ah Eden! I can’t wait to see it in its’ original form, and I truly hope I will.

But think of it… not ONE terrifying animal, not ONE broken thing, not ONE germ. This astounds me. Not. One. Germ. Nothing to make us sick in any way. In fact, scientific studies from days before the great flood in Noah’s day show that the oxygen levels were so pure and so perfect things (plants, people, and animals) grew with extravagance, thrived beyond belief.

Here's the revelation, in case you aren’t getting it, Father created the world exactly the way He wanted it! Perfect! Nothing missing, nothing broken. Think of it. Perfection! This is His heart, His desire and His plan for us. Eden. His plan, His heart, and His desire for us is seen here!

Let me close with this… I’d love for you to open to the truth of healing because we see it all over the Word, because it is Father’s heart for us, and because how silly to base our belief about any topic on people’s experiences. When we do this, we are dismissing so much. If we are “believers,” let's base our believing on what is in the scriptures rather than on experiences. Just open your heart… there are answers to be found. I want to continue to discuss healing and ‘proof’ that it is His love for us. This will help you if you open your mind and your heart to truly hear. Set all the unknowns and unexplained on the shelf while you just investigate the possibility.

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