Hello my friends,
It's official! Spring is here again.
For many of you in a mild climate this may seem like no big thing. For me, who lives in the wild, up and down, winter of Colorado, spring is the sign for life! We see our brown grass turning to green - and that is if the snow isn't covering the ground. We begin to see trees budding, flowers showing signs of coming back to life, etc.
Truly, the new season of colors begins. It is as if the springtime reminds us of the constant life that was, and always is, alive inside even when it seems dead on the outside. Spring symbolizes the hope we always have even when it seems dark and hidden.
I love the new life that shows up!
We are not dead. We are full of life.
Do you not KNOW?! The Spirit of the Living God is on the inside of you, giving life to your mortal body, bringing hope to your darkened soul, and adding beauty to your heart. He is filling you with a resurgence of grace and abundance. He is adding greenery to what has been brown and seemingly dead. You are not alone, dead, or without life. It is a new, full season! And it is here for you... just as you are. No matter how brown, or covered in ice, or hard the soil may be. Green life, fresh and new, is springing forth for you from the Spirit of God in you!
Trust and hope and spend time with Jesus to see that growth begin again.
Be sure and steady Friend. This is the season of new life! Spring is here!